We are here to offer support, and connection at a time when it is most
We are here to support you.
HOPE provide immediate, 24/7, confidential support through various platforms such as hotlines, online chats, text services, and face-to-face counseling. Staffed by trained professionals and volunteers, who offer guidance, and resources for you during your emotional struggles and find ways to stay safe.
Our advices
Call a crisis hotline immediately for support.
Talk openly about your feelings with a trusted friend or family member.
Create a safety plan outlining coping strategies and emergency contacts.
Avoid drugs and alcohol, which can worsen your feelings.
Engage in grounding techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness.
We provide:
Emergency crisis intervention
Suicide risk assessment
Emotional support and counseling
Referral to mental health professionals
Follow-up care and monitoring
Để truy cập Dịch vụ khủng hoảng tự động của chúng tôi, hãy gọi Đường dây khởi động khẩn cấp của chúng tôi (84)086 50 44400